Another Nugget - FEELINGS

My new nugget of wisdom this week is about feelings and dealing with them. Because of course, I don’t know how to do that as I have been drinking them away for 20 years. Here it is: Instead of sitting “in” my feelings, just try sitting “with” my feelings. As in, like an ornery toddler or a skittish cat, invite the feeling to have a seat with me. Recognize it and let it be there WITH me. I don’t have to embody it or even embrace it, but just know it’s there and let it hang out. It won’t hurt me.

So, like when I run into a couple that is sort of a "friend of a friend" but to whom I said and did some things I hate years ago, I recognize the shame, regret, inferiority, self-hatred, remorse, and sorrow. Then I let those feelings sit there with me. They’re all there, hangin’ out with me. Fine. They’re going to be there anyway, I may as well invite them and get used to them being there. OK, I can do that.