Sober Saturday (seltzer style)
Really good sober days this week.
Here’s the thing. I excel at drinking. And not just alcohol! I mean, I’ve been a heavy drinker since around the age of 13. This was when I learned the benefits of water intake as it pertains to weight loss. And as a teenage girl, that was my focus. (I wish it hadn’t been, but it was.) So when I learned that I should be drinking so many ounces a day, I set out to do exactly that. This was also around the time when “water bottles” became a thing. I carried a 32-ounce water bottle with a big plastic straw sticking out (which come to think of it, a straw I NEVER once washed, yuck) with me everywhere I went. I got an A+ in water consumption!
Fast forward a few years and I took to drinking alcohol like, well, like a fish to water! So efficient and effective. Again, I got an A+.
Today though, I can see that I became a bit of an “overachiever” in my alcohol drinking practice. These days, I imbibe in less addictive beverages. And now that our weather is really warming up, here’s what’s in my cup, and also, here’s my favorite cup.
Seltzer water, my style – I love mixing drinks! Turns out, you can mix drinks that do not contain any alcohol. Who knew? I do half my cup full of ice, water to cover the ice, and combine flavored seltzer water (I love LaCroix and AHA) and flavored sparkling beverage (generic store brand is great!) for the other half. Just bubbly enough to be interesting, but not too much flavor to be annoying. And hardly any calories!
Fizzy float (for dessert) – This can be made in any flavor combo. But I love lemon, so that’s what I do. A couple scoops of lemon ice cream or sorbet in a glass, pour lemon soda over the ice cream, let sit and float. I stir it so it gets all fizzy and I can drink it with a straw. YUM! (Think copycat Frosted Lemonade from Chick-fil-A.)
My ultimate FAVE cup: the DELUXE SIP SIP TUMBLER WITH STRAW - GLITTER BOMB from Sparkly goodness to go with my sparkling water. Lots of other cute patterns available on their website too.
And my favorite straws: I love these silicone straws because they’re soft, so they don’t make any noise as I’m driving around in the car. You know, that tapping/clinking sound that grates on your last nerve. These don’t do that! But don’t forget your straw brushes. The silicone straws are dishwasher safe, but not all straws are. Ya gotta be able to get in there and scrub your straws!
OK, now I’m thirsty. Fizzy float, here I come!
Share your favorite virgin drink below and remember to Celebrate every day.
Stay hydrated, my friends. See you next Saturday.
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